开云电竞 College Catalog - Southwestern Illinois College-开云电竞

You can find everything you need to know to get started at 开云电竞 in the college catalog. The catalog is available below as PDF files, which can be downloaded for offline reference.

Download the Catalog


How to search the catalog

  1. At the top of the menu bar in your browser or PDF reader, select “edit” and then “find.” A small window will pop up and you can enter any word or phrase, depress the enter key and you will be taken to the first occurrence. From there, you can select “next” or “previous” to view all occurrences.
  2. From the bookmark tab on the left, you can select a section, go directly to it and use the find command. As you may notice, the find command works across the whole catalog.
  3. If you select the “contents” from the bookmark tab on the left, the contents will pop up. You can move your mouse over any of the listed items and click when you see the hand appear to be taken directly to that area.

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