Associate in Arts Online Curriculum - Southwestern Illinois College-开云电竞

Online Degree Option

This program offers an online degree option as well as the traditional on-campus classroom format. The degree curriculum below outlines how the degree can be completed online or hybrid.  For a full list of on-campus options for an associate in arts degree, visit academic advising or the college catalog.

The online degree can be achieved by taking these courses through a combination of online, hybrid and on-campus classes. For a full list of on-campus options for an Associate in Arts degree, visit academic advising or the college catalog.

One Human Relations course and one Non-Western Culture course are required to complete the Associate in Arts Degree. Check the course catalog for options in each category.

This distance education degree option does have a few hybrid courses which are noted with asterisk (*).

Associate in Arts Online Completion Option

Semester Credits: 9
Communications   Credits
ENG 101 Rhetoric & Composition I 3
ENG 102 Rhetoric & Composition II 3
SPCH 151 Fundamentals of Public Speaking* 3
Semester Credits: 3
General Humanities Choose one Credits
HIST 286 History of Religion 3
LIT 113 Introduction to Fiction 3
LIT 117 Literature Written by Women 3
LIT 201 World Literature I 3
LIT 202 World Literature II 3
LIT 205 Lit of Non Western Countries 3
LIT 215 Contemporary Multicultural American Literature 3
PHIL 150 Introduction to Philosophy 3
PHIL 151 Introductory Logic 3
PHIL 152 Ethics 3
PHIL 155 Non Western Philosophy 3
Semester Credits: 3
Fine Arts Choose one Credits
ART 101 Art Appreciation 3
ART 101 Art Appreciation 3
ART 103 Survey of Non-Western Art 3
ART 110 Art & Gender 3
MUS 101 Music Appreciation 3
MUS 110 World Music 3
THEA 120 Theatre Appreciation 3
Semester Credits: 3
Additional Humanities or Fine Arts Credits
Additional course from either General Humanities or Fine Arts  
Semester Credits: 3
Social Science Choose one Credits
ECON 115 Introduction to Economics 3
ECON 201 Principles of Economics I (Macro) 3
ECON 202 Principles of Economics II (Micro) 3
HIST 101 World Civilization I 3
HIST 102 World Civilization II 3
HIST 115 History of the Middle East 3
HIST 117 African History* 3
HIST 180 U.S. History to 1865 3
HIST 181 U.S. History, 1865 to the Present 3
POLS 150 Intro to American Government 3
POLS 270 International Relations 3
Semester Credits: 3
Behavioral Science Choose one Credits
ANTH 150 Cultural Anthropology 3
PSYC 151 General Psychology 3
PSYC 210 Lifespan Development 3
PSYC 250 Child Development 3
PSYC 251 Adolescent Development 3
PSYC 253 Adult Development and Aging 3
PSYC 295 Social Psychology 3
SOC 153 Introductory Sociology 3
SOC 203 Social Problems 3
SOC 255 The Family 3
Semester Credits: 3
Additional Social or Behavioral Science   Credits
Additional course from either Social or Behavioral Science
Semester Credits: 3
Com Hum Soc Behav Choose additional course in Communications Humanities, Social or Behavioral Science Credits
ED 252 Educational Psychology 3
HIST 250 20th Century Western Civilization 3
HIST 292 U.S. History Since 1945 3
PSYC 200 Applied Psychology 3
PSYC 225 Human Sexuality 3
PSYC 252 Educational Psychology 3
PSYC 254 Death and Dying 3
PSYC 259 Abnormal Psychology 3
PSYC 265 Psychology of Women 3
PSYC 266 Cognitive Psychology 3
SPCH 155 Interpersonal Communication 3
Semester Credits: 4
Mathematics Choose one Credits
BUS 205 Economic and Business Statistics* 4
MATH 107 General Education Statistics 4
MATH 111 Arts and Humanities Mathematics 4
MATH 191 Introduction to Statistics* 4
  Student may only receive credit for MATH 107, BUS 205 OR MATH 191  
Semester Credits: 4
Life Science   Credits
Course must be completed on campus
Semester Credits: 4
Physical Science Choose one Credits
CHEM 101 Introductory Chemistry 4
ES 114 Earth and the Environment* 4
Semester Credits: 2
Human Well-Being Choose one Credits
HES 151 Personal Health and Wellness 2
HES 154 Nutrition, Exercise, & Weight Management 2
HES 155 Physical Fitness & Wellness 2
HES 158 Consumer Health 3
HRO 150 Fundamentals of Nutrition 2
Semester Credits: 20
Transfer Electives   Credits
  Additional courses from any category above or choose from the following:  
ACCT 110 Financial Accounting 4
ACCT 111 Managerial Accounting 4
AOJ 100 Intro to Administration of Justice 3
BIOL 106 Environmental Science 3
BIOL 110 Introduction to Marine Biology 3
BUS 101 Introduction to Business 3
BUS 209 Business Computer Systems 3
BUS 215 Business Law I 3
CIS 185 Intro to Information Technology 3
ECE 110 Introduction to Early Childhood Education 3
ECE 112 Growth & Development of Children 3
ED 255 Introduction to Education 3
ED 260 Introduction to Educational Technology 3
ED 267 Diversity in 21st Century Schools 3
ENGR 275 Mechanics of Solids 3
GEOG 202 Economic Geography 3
HES 170 Introduction to Exercise Science 3
MKT 126 Introduction to Marketing 3